mardi 26 août 2008

Bud Billiken Parade

Une autre parade dans Chicago , mais cette fois, on participe !!! Et il s'agit de la Bud Billiken Parade !! plus d'info sur cette parade sur :
A la fin de la parade il y avait un gros picnic + distribution de free goodies and free food a gogo !!! :D


Suite de JMT's trip

Who's who?


Venue de Jmt

et voili tout plein de photos de la venue de Jmt a Chicago !! Ca vaut le detour xD

Vie etudiante 2

Graduation Day:

Miam :p

Memorial day

Vie etudiante a Chicago !!

un pot pourri de ce qui c'est passe entre avril et juin

Mon association quasiment au complet lors de Taste of IIT

le Gala au planetarium

Trip at the Botanic Garden

jeudi 3 avril 2008

New york trip 1

ok ok i'm late, for my defense, i would say, my laptop was down, that's why i wait till i receive my new one (a hp for those who may be interested) . So here is some photos !!
This is on the campus of Columbia University, you know, the famous one !!! They have 2 "librarys" even if i don't know why they call one of them library because for me it was like a ceremony hall without books, but only statues and pictures
This was 1 or 2 hours after i landed, with pat we get lost somewhere in uptown, so we took that opportunity to visit Antarti..... hummm no Central Park xD Only the penguins are missing there, and don't ask me why there is snow there, i don't have any ideas.... let's say.... this is part of the charm of the city and the parkYeahhh i'm still at NYC in this photo, impressive no?

That may be a picture you have seen in tons of movies, but it's so typical at NYC that you cannot miss it

This is the public library, i didn't have the chance to enter this building unfortunately T_T

Next photos later...

samedi 29 mars 2008

Bye my laptop....

My laptop has started its long trip to its new place in France. Why? you may wonder that, that's because the motherboard has crashed and now it is impossible for me to use it any longer... or at least i have to wait for maintenance from Asus.
I call Asus last week but nobody answers and a voice invites me to let a message, so I did. But a guy took so much time to call me back that i sent my laptop to France before his call. Now i'm sure to see my laptop in a couple of months.
You may ask me why i did that, and why not waiting for their call. I would say it doesn't change anything because whatever i did, i would also wait a couple of months because the part that needs to be replaced is only available in France....

As i cannot wait so much time, that only lets me one obvious choice: buy another one.... So i ordered and actually, it will hopefully arrive in a few weeks. Now it's hard to live without a laptop, it's like taking away a cell phone from a businessman or truck from a trucker.... Does it make sense ? It is often when you need at most a device that it doesn't work anymore.... what a shame..... T_T

however, it makes me return 5 years ago, when i didn't have any computer, and the only one i used was often busy. And this experience will last at least 1 month, wow!! Can someone live without internet during all that time? hehe

J'en profite aussi pour dire que le temps fait un peu a sa tete ces derniers jours, j'ai vecu par exemple un jour super ensoleille, puis un lendemain tres enneige, puis de nouveau encore un soleil radieux et des temperatures de saison (en tout cas de saison francaise). Il y a de quoi attraper un gros rhume, d'ailleurs c'est ce que j'ai en ce moment, pour la plus grande joie de mes collocs et des gens qui trainent avec moi xD

voila pour les news du moment


dimanche 9 mars 2008

Wheel of fortune

Yesterday was not a day like the others, i mean, not studying, not partying somewhere etc... but I was at Navy Pear in the studio of the channel abc7 to watch a special recording of the Wheel of Fortune, which will have its 25th anniversary on May.

I don't take any pictures during the show, the tall block guys of security ensured that we didn't take out our camera ... nevermind to compensate i take a picture of my ticket haha
After staying in the line during 2 hours, watching a kid getting mad because of waiting, observing people playing the hang-up , not sure if it is the right name of the game in english..... well it is called le pendu in french. And to waste our time, we play bacalaureat, well i'm not going to translate that in english, let's just say that it's a funny game when you have nothing to do hehe

then we attend the show, the ambiance was nice, we were sitting with a bunch of students , each one including me was shouting "IIT" even if i was not sure that the guy who was playing represented us at the game haha
nevermind, we receive at the end a kind of lapel pin, like this one:
it's illuminating, doing blue yellow and red color, and do nothing else special.... i see some ppl wearing it like earings, so it's not that useless as it seems to be ...
Then i take pictures with friends and with one of the player who is acting like a superstar, even if he didn't do a great job haha it's your day of glory if you read me ;)
oh i also take picture of a vip !! xD


samedi 1 mars 2008

One day at field museum and bog

yesterday i was visiting the Field museum with my French friends. This museum is about biology, animals, and evolution (from dinosaurs to us...) . We meet our friends the monkeys, the birds, the polar bears and plenty of different species of worms.... You should see that, this museum is pretty big, and 2hours are not enough to visit everything, that's a pity for us T_TThat makes me think about similes like:
- slow as a turtle
- sly as a fox
- blind as a mole
I have a preference in the second one especially when i see that a lot of people now seems to be slyer than before....
hmm nothing interesting here.... xD but nice museum !!

Then I went to the bog with one of my favorite association, ISO !!!
We start that evening at the bar, listening to the singers who are not that bad, and i'm honnest, you can be proud of what you have done hehe !!

Then we play ping pong, the wii, the pool and almost all the entertainments you can find there. I hope next time i will play the boxing game with you guys, it seems so funny !!


mardi 29 janvier 2008

Cooking Spirit !!!

These days i have watched a Kdrama, my lovely Samsoony, my cousins from San Francisco helped me to discover this serie. Since that and my trip to San Francisco, i was thinking about doing more cooking ( don't know if my roomates will appreciate to be my guinea-pigs xD ) and what i havn't eaten since i'm here in Chicago. And the list is long: curry, any kind of soups, hainan chicken, loklak rice, pho, and concerning pastry, sorry i only know the French name, triangle aux amandes (if you go to Bry sur marne, i recommend you the bakery at the station, you cannot miss him if you go during the morning, the smell is too strong and your nose (and probably your stomach!!) will lead you to it) , galettes des rois, black forest (especially the one from Paul)
and too much other things...

I should not think about all of it, i'm mentally hurting myself xD but i try the soups last week and it's not really bad. Maybe i should open a restaurant later hehe If you do know the recipe of one of these dishes, plz tell me xD


Welcome to Chicago

Last week we welcome 2 of our friends, Ketia and Sebastien. They stay at our place during one week. We lead them to different places at Chicago, from the Ford Center where they watched the play Wicked (a kind of Wizard of Oz), to the United Center where they watched the Bulls playing against the Charlotte Bobcats. We also went to the Sears and the Hancock Tower, to the Kingston Mines, a bar playing a kind of blues and rock, to shopping at the Magnificent Miles, and to several museums and other places

This week was magic, however we didn't do everything we want. I hope you will come back soon !!! We miss you already ;)

Here are some pictures taken during their trip:Hello Seb & Ket !!!
Three people playing on the street and under the snow

hmm some preparation before going to a theater

At the theater for the Chinese New Year Show

A photo taken during one night xD

At the Hancock Tower
