samedi 29 mars 2008

Bye my laptop....

My laptop has started its long trip to its new place in France. Why? you may wonder that, that's because the motherboard has crashed and now it is impossible for me to use it any longer... or at least i have to wait for maintenance from Asus.
I call Asus last week but nobody answers and a voice invites me to let a message, so I did. But a guy took so much time to call me back that i sent my laptop to France before his call. Now i'm sure to see my laptop in a couple of months.
You may ask me why i did that, and why not waiting for their call. I would say it doesn't change anything because whatever i did, i would also wait a couple of months because the part that needs to be replaced is only available in France....

As i cannot wait so much time, that only lets me one obvious choice: buy another one.... So i ordered and actually, it will hopefully arrive in a few weeks. Now it's hard to live without a laptop, it's like taking away a cell phone from a businessman or truck from a trucker.... Does it make sense ? It is often when you need at most a device that it doesn't work anymore.... what a shame..... T_T

however, it makes me return 5 years ago, when i didn't have any computer, and the only one i used was often busy. And this experience will last at least 1 month, wow!! Can someone live without internet during all that time? hehe

J'en profite aussi pour dire que le temps fait un peu a sa tete ces derniers jours, j'ai vecu par exemple un jour super ensoleille, puis un lendemain tres enneige, puis de nouveau encore un soleil radieux et des temperatures de saison (en tout cas de saison francaise). Il y a de quoi attraper un gros rhume, d'ailleurs c'est ce que j'ai en ce moment, pour la plus grande joie de mes collocs et des gens qui trainent avec moi xD

voila pour les news du moment


2 commentaires:

Jean-Marc a dit…

Long time no see dude...
Bon alors, c'est qui le plus geek de nous deux ? :p

Anonyme a dit…

ca va j'ai encore de la marge, sinon je me serai pendu dès la premiere semaine haha et puis j'ai trouvé d'autres moyens pour me connecter finalement,meme si c'est pas tres pratique