samedi 1 mars 2008

One day at field museum and bog

yesterday i was visiting the Field museum with my French friends. This museum is about biology, animals, and evolution (from dinosaurs to us...) . We meet our friends the monkeys, the birds, the polar bears and plenty of different species of worms.... You should see that, this museum is pretty big, and 2hours are not enough to visit everything, that's a pity for us T_TThat makes me think about similes like:
- slow as a turtle
- sly as a fox
- blind as a mole
I have a preference in the second one especially when i see that a lot of people now seems to be slyer than before....
hmm nothing interesting here.... xD but nice museum !!

Then I went to the bog with one of my favorite association, ISO !!!
We start that evening at the bar, listening to the singers who are not that bad, and i'm honnest, you can be proud of what you have done hehe !!

Then we play ping pong, the wii, the pool and almost all the entertainments you can find there. I hope next time i will play the boxing game with you guys, it seems so funny !!


1 commentaire:

Anonyme a dit…

Next time you invite us at the bog (pool, wii, pingpong, bowling??? Really?
Ooooh ~ so nice thanks :P